The Council normally meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm but please check our published meeting dates.
When are the meetings?
The Council normally meets on the second Monday of each month but please check our published meeting dates for 2024-2025 starting in April 2024 and 2025-2026 starting in April 2025 as we alter meeting dates in July and November. The meetings always start at 7:00pm in the Village Hall.
The Annual Statutory Meeting of Council is in May, and this is when we elect the Chairman and review the membership of the various Parish Council working groups.
Prior to each meeting, the Agenda can be viewed on the Council Notice Board and this website. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Council meeting.
How are meetings conducted?
All residents, members of the public and press are welcome to attend meetings of the Council to observe proceedings.
A period of fifteen minutes is set aside during each meeting (normally at the beginning) for anyone attending to ask questions of the Council or raise any queries or concerns that they feel the Council could assist with.
Please remember when making representations to Council, that the meeting is a public meeting for which minutes are produced and published. Members of the public cannot take part in the business of the meeting and are asked not to interrupt proceedings.
Our Ward Councillors for Central Bedfordshire Council are invited to all Council meetings and will listen to comments and requests from the Council and parishioners that are made during the meetings. They will often respond to the Parish Council as representatives of local residents. If you have issues with those authorities, and feel we can help with your problem please let us know through the Parish Clerk.
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council to observe the proceedings. There is an opportunity at the beginning of every meeting which lasts for 15 minutes, for members of the public to ask questions of the council or make a statement to the Council.
Please remember when making any comment, that a Council Meeting is a public meeting for which minutes are produced and published. Members of the public cannot take part in the actual business of a council meeting and are asked not to interrupt the proceedings.
If there is a matter that you think the Council should discuss you can contact the Clerk or a Councillor, and ask that it be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Agendas are usually prepared 8 working days before the meeting to which they relate, so make sure that you ask in good time.
Meetings will normally last for 2 hours, so if a meeting already has a full agenda, some items may be deferred for discussion to a subsequent meeting, so that a proper and full time allowance can be made for discussion of the item.
Ward Councillors of Central Bedfordshire Council are invited to all Council meetings, and will usually present a report during the public session.
Agendas & Appendices
Approved Minutes
August (No meeting)
December (No meeting)
Minutes are displayed as soon as possible, after they are approved. Copies of paper minutes, complete with signatures, are held by the Parish Clerk and are available for inspection, upon appointment.